Thursday, 7 February 2008


OKAY! Contest time has finally come and now its going to get interesting! I took all of your contest ideas into consideration and I came up with a cool one.

"Willa ford as we all know has been "working" on a new album. She wants to get the hype back and is releasing a remix CD of her old hits."

Now this is where the contest gets interesting.
You Must Design The Cover artwork. Design the CD itself. Design a back for the CD.
Come up with a catchy name for the remix CD.
Choose the track list of 10 official or unofficial remixes.

(all remixes should be real for purposes below)

The winner of this contest will have their cd printed and distributed for this and further WillaMania contests.

1st place:
Will get their cd printed & burned. Will also receive the only and last copy I have of the Willa Guavaween DVD I made for the last contest. And will also receive the exclusive WillaMania poster I designed.
2nd Place:
Will receive the winners cd and the WillaMania poster.
3rd Place:
Will receive the WillaMania poster.

All images must be sent to my email:
You may use any image you want. NO NUDITY. So be wise on how you manipulate the playboy photos.
You may create your own remixes for this challenge and you must also mail those to me when you submit your entry.
Your cover and back image must be 800x800 pixels.
Your cd image must fit within the provided template.
Click Image To View Actual Size

FEBRUARY 18th, 2008

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