Wednesday, 18 June 2008

F13 Article

Here is a new Article about the movie.

This isn't an origins story, very far from it. What Fuller and Form wanted to do, first and foremost, was bring Jason Voorhees back to Camp Crystal Lake and have him hack up a group of young pot smoking, sex craving teens. Add in a bunch of hot chicks, including the two gorgeous female leads in Amanda Righetti and Danielle Panabaker and I honestly can't see what would be better in a FRIDAY THE 13TH film.

The drug and sex loving teens include Travis Van Winkle, Willa Ford, Nick Mennell, Ryan Hansen, and Aaron Yoo among several others. Needless to say the teens meet the legend of Jason Voorhees and proceed to become close personal friends with his machete, his bare hands, and whatever else Jason feels like using.

Read Entire Article Here

Friday, 13 June 2008

MTV News Friday The 13th Coverage

Okay so MTV is keeping all the tabs on the new F13th movie. I hope Willa does an interview in the future about her role with MTV to promote the movie. How exciting!

Friday, 6 June 2008

"PODO" Episode 11, Season 3

So here is the 11th episode of PODO. Willa looks extra beautiful in this episode. Hope yall enjoy it.

Click Images To Enlarge

Part One

Part Two

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Friday The 13th *Update*

Here are the first pictures of the movie location. Enjoy! None of Willa. But still interesting stuff.

Its also rumoured that Willa's character name is "Chelsea".

Click Here For Full Set

Wednesday, 4 June 2008


HEY EVERYONE! Not much has been going on with Willa. But Im still trying to keep myself busy creating stuff to keep everyone interested. First of all...


If you visit that link it still work... and automatically redirects people to this blog.
I kept the domain name so that I could continue to make different sites that pertained to Willa. And the first site to come from that is our iPod site. So you can fill you're iPods with everything we post here on the blog. Its officially open so go check it out!

Also the site is still kinda bare. It takes ALOT of time to convert all of our videos into iPod format. If you want to submit your videos for the iPod sections please email me. The link to the iPod blog and my email is on the left hand side of the blog.